Monday, September 22, 2008

Garrett's Birthday!

Here is a classic picture of "Hard Core" Garrett with a couple of his favorite birthday gifts. He used his birthday money to purchase a Nintendo DS and apparently through the eyes of a Storm Trooper it is even better!


Okay, so I had to steal this picture from Shawna Sue's blog because it is just a great picture of my sisters and I. This was at the Blessing Luncheon for babies Dylan and Kaitlyn this past Sunday.

Bear Lake September 2008

Here are some more great shots from our weekend away!

Bear Lake September 2008

We were in a perfect spot where the water was shallow for a ways out and Carson was able to splish splash around all he wanted too! What a cute baby and once again, Alan capture some great shots!

Bear Lake September 2008

Here are some great pictures of Clay that totally capture the quiet, reflective, strong boy we love!

Bear Lake September 2008

Garrett just turned the big 10! He is officially a decade old! Now he really knows everything! For his birthday we spent the weekend in Bear Lake for some fun in the sun. Garrett actually caught this fish with his bare hands - it would only happen to him! He was so excited. Here are a few great pics of the Garrett, courtesy of our friend Alan.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Trip to the Arches in Spring of 2008!

4-wheelin at its best!

Carson has learned to climb onto the 4-wheeler and at times he gets lucky and it actually moves forward....take a look!

Garrett and Clay at Bridal Veil Falls, in Provo Canyon. The boys and I like to walk the trail and splash around in the water. It makes for some good, clean, cheap fun!

This is my all time favorite snapshot of Baby Carson. If it doesn't make you smile, then I don't know what will!

Additional pictures!!!

Garrett was made for wide open spaces where he can be free and unleash his larger than life voice and personality. What better place than the beach! This was on our trip to see Shawna in Virginia Beach in the spring of 2007 and is one of my favorite pictures of my Garrett! Doesn't it say it all?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My brother Darrin and wife Emily live in Arizona and around Christmas time we visited them there. Here are a couple pics of my brother and I and me with the two little ones (Carter and Carson). The one where the two boys are a little older is at a family gathering at our house recently and in the background you can see Great Grandma Carnehan and Grandpa Railsback!